361. Introducing TPCK / Matthew J. Koehler and Punya Mishra -- Bridging digital and cultural divides: TPCK for equity of access to technology / Mario Antonio Kelly -- TPCK in K-6 literacy education: it's not that elemen
المؤلف: edited by AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
362. Introduction -- At the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima; or, why political questions are not all economic -- The allocation and distribution of resources -- Values and preferences -- Can we put a price on nature's services? -- Do we consume too much? -- Is an environmental ethic compatible with biological science? -- Settling America or the concept of place in environmental ethics -- Natural and national history -- Environmentalism : death and resurrection. 0
المؤلف: Mark Sagoff.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
363. Introduction / Gerald I. Susman -- Exploring the reach of innovation-related cooperation in small firms / Mark Freel -- Innovation, productivity, and growth : an analysis of Irish data / James H. Love, Stephen Roper -- Innovation strategies and manufacturing practices : insights from the 2005 Georgia manufacturing survey / Jan Youtie, Philip Shapira -- Economies of speed : a conceptual framework to describe network effectiveness / Irene J. Petrick, Carleen Maitland -- Sourcing of innovation as trendsetting in the imaging sector : a comparison between large MNEs and SMEs / Johannes M. Pennings, Gino Cattani -- The fastest growing SMEs in Canada : their strategies, e-commerce and network practices / Hamid Etemad -- Knowledge and capabilities in subcontractor's evolution : the Italian case / Roberto Grandinetti, Andrea Furlan, Arnaldo Camuffo -- The communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR) through the supply chain : an SME perspective / Craig H. Wood, Allen Kaufman -- A comparison of the pace and pattern of internationalization by US and Canadian high growth firms / David J. Maslach, Rod B. McNaughton -- The effects of product diversification and international diversification on SMEs' innovation / Jane Wenzhen Lu, Zhijian Wu -- Should high technology SMEs expect to internationalize by passing through a sequence of development stages that affect choice of export market and entry mode? / Marian V. Jones -- A compara
المؤلف: edited by Gerald I. Susman.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
364. Introduction -- Severing the aesthetic connection -- Texts, readers, and reading formations -- Figuring audiences and readers -- Culture and governmentality -- Acting on the social : art, culture, and government -- Archaeological autopsy : objectifying time and cultural governance -- Civic seeing : museums and the organisation of vision -- Intellectuals, culture, policy : the technical, the practical, and the critical -- The hist
المؤلف: Tony Bennett.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
365. Introduction -- The concept of administrative discretion -- The historical foundation of administrative discretion -- Factors affecting managerial discretion -- Managerial discretion in the private sector -- The plan of the book -- Notes -- Beyond street level discourse -- Managerial and administrative discretion -- Perspectives on discretion in decision making -- Federalism and its place in understanding managerial discretion -- Limitations on state and local discretion -- From state and local discretion to unfunded federal mandates -- When states take over a federal responsibility: immigration -- Explaining managerial discretion -- Support for managerial discretion -- Opposition to managerial discretion -- The courts and managerial discretion -- Statutory and other types of constraints on discretion -- Managerial discretion in local government -- Local government management -- Appointment and staffing powers -- Mayors, discretion, and legislative processes -- Policy implementation -- Managerial discretion and school violence -- Discretion in contracting -- Creating new departments -- Finance -- Managerial discretion at the county level -- The use of discretion by the county sheriff -- Discretion in the Maricopa County sheriff's office -- Local managerial discretion and the courts -- A culture of corruption? -- Managerial discretion at the state level -- The role of the governor -- Appointments -- Economic development -- Emergency management -- Financial management -- Policy development and implementation -- Public safety -- Veto powers -- Other duties -- When governors c
المؤلف: Jacqueline Vaughn, Eric Otenyo.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
366. Introduction to biosemiotics :
المؤلف: edited by Marcello Barbieri.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Biology-- Semiotics.
رده :
367. Iran
المؤلف: \ Edited by Christopher Davidson
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
369. JZ6045,<The> hidden face of Eve :
المؤلف: by Lars Kirchhoff. ,William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler, editors.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
370. Knowledge of life today :
المؤلف: Jean Gayon and Victor Petit.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Science.,SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- Biology.,Science.
371. Le Sexe et l'innovation /
المؤلف: André Langaney.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Genetics.,Philosophy.,Sexual Behavior, Animal.,Social Environment.,Éthologie humaine.,Évolution (biologie),Sexualité (biologie),Comportement sexuel chez les animaux.,Comportement social chez les animaux.,Évolution.,Sexualité (Biologie),anthropologie culturelle-- sexualité.,anthropologie culturelle.,Éthologie humaine.,Évolution (biologie),Sexualité (biologie)
رده :
372. Life explained /
المؤلف: Michel Morange ; translated by Matthew Cobb and Malcolm DeBevoise.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Biology-- Philosophy.,Biology-- Philosophy.,NATURE-- Reference.,SCIENCE-- General.,SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- Biology.,SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- General.
رده :
373. Managing the unmanageable : systematic downloading of electronic resources by library users / Gayle Baker, Carol Tenopir -- Library/vendor relations : the APA experience / Linda Beebe -- Managing customer relationships : a book vendor point-of-
المؤلف: Sam Brooks, David H. Carlson, editors.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
374. Matter and consciousness /
المؤلف: Paul M. Churchland.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Artificial intelligence.,Cognition.,Consciousness.,Intellect.,Neurology.,Philosophy of mind.,Consciousness.,Philosophy.,08.36 philosophical anthropology, philosophy of psychology.,77.02 philosophy and theory of psychology.,Artificial intelligence.,Bewusstsein,Cognition.,Consciousness.,Consciousness.,Intellect.,Kognition,Neurology.,Neuropsychologie,Philosophy of mind.,Philosophy of the mind.,Philosophy.,Philosophy.
رده :
375. Modern Buddhist cultures -- The cultural practices of Buddhist modernity -- Shanghai Buddhism -- Vegetarian identities --
المؤلف: Francesca Tarocco.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)
376. Molecular Approaches to the Study of the Ocean
المؤلف: edited by Keith E. Cooksey.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Aquatic biology.,Life sciences.,Morphology (Animals)
رده :
377. Molecular Mechanisms in Epigenetic Evolutionary Biology-Cellular
المکتبة: كتابخانه مركزي و مركز اسناد دانشگاه مازندران (مازندران)
موضوع: Life Sciences; Evolutionary Biology; Philosophy of Biology; Developmental Biology; Physiology; Genetics and Genomics; Biochemistry, general
378. Nature and sociology /
المؤلف: Tim Newton.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Geographical perception.,Human beings-- Effect of environment on.,Human body-- Social aspects.,Human genome.,Nature and nurture.,Nature-- Social aspects.,Philosophy of nature.,Sociobiology.,Sociology-- Philosophy.,Geographical perception.,Geographical perception.,Human beings-- Effect of environment on.,Human beings-- Effect of environment on.,Human body-- Social aspects.,Human body-- Social aspects.,Human genome.,Human genome.,Människan och naturen.,Natur,Nature and nurture.,Nature and nurture.,Nature-- Social aspects.,Nature-- Social aspects.,Philosophy of nature.,Philosophy of nature.,Sociobiology.,Sociobiology.,Sociologi-- teori, filosofi.,Sociology-- Philosophy.,Sociology-- Philosophy.,Sozialwissenschaften
رده :
379. Nature, value, duty
المؤلف: edited by Christopher J. Preston and Wayne Ouderkirk.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Rolston, Holmes,1932-,Biology-- Philosophy.,Environmental ethics.
380. New Thinking About Genetics.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Genetics, Popular works.,Genetic Phenomena.,Philosophy.,Genetics.,Genetics.,SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- Genetics & Genomics.
رده :